Your smile lines rock. Your pedicures leave clients speechless and your nail art is so detailed nobody in the salon can recreate it. So when was the last time you got a little press?
Even if you have a full book, good public relations ensures that when openings happen they will be filled quickly. It also makes it possible to attract new hires that will make you proud.
The time might be right to start putting together a press pack. A basic press pack will contain a short bio that outlines your training, awards, photos, and specialties. A list of quotes is a nice touch. These can be tips editors can use in stories or sidebars of articles. A salon menu and any other printed materials such as past articles or tear sheets will round out the packet.
Write a letter to the local fashion and beauty editors of the newspapers within driving distance from the salon. Introduce yourself and offer your services in the case that the editors need an expert for an article. You may also offer to write a small guest piece. These pieces would be informative and not about the salon. They are designed to position yourself as the expert that you are. Browse through your trade magazines. Make a list of the writers it contains. Make contact with professional writers and let them know you are interested in participating in future articles.
Be ready when the opportunity arrives. When the phone call comes, be prepared by having a list of a few short articles you have prepared previously. Start working on this now. You can get someone to help with the writing if you are uncomfortable with putting it together. Start snapping pictures in the salon. The best pictures are active candid shots of nail techs performing services on clients. Take many pictures in a high resolution. The better the resolution, the better they show up in print. Get clients to sign a model release so that you can use the pictures whenever you want. Try different angles and back up the media they are stored on.
Write press releases. If the salon does something noteworthy—canned food drive, charity event, barbeque, etc.—send a press release to all of the local newspapers. You can find simple samples for writing press releases on the internet. Take a look at the Internet for inspiration. After editors see several press releases, they start to get a feel for the salon and you. You will be surprised at how many will pick up the phone when they have a story to do—and call you.
So start getting ready now. You never know when a writer, editor, or journalist will be calling. It could be the big break your salon needs to get noticed. Need more pointers or guidance on garnering press, feel free to email me iNails at hotmail dot com and I’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.